August 28, 2008

This is gonna hurt me more that it hurts you...well maybe not.

Today my little munchkin got his 2 month checkup. He is in the 75th percentile in height, weight and head circumference and he was happy and smiling the whole time. That is until he had to get his shots. I gently held his arms on the exam table while the nurse prepared to give him two shots in one leg and one in the other. You would have thought I was getting the vaccines, I started to tear up every time he cried after each shot. His hurt was quickly subdued though when I fed him before we went home. Now, his mode has improved almost back to normal, but I'm still feeling a little soar.

August 27, 2008

Here are more pictures

This is my sister KTP and Dominick

This is one of my favorite pictures. He thinks he's falling.

My Jolly Man

August 16, 2008

The Players

Introducing the two most important people in my life: my husband and my son. Both are cute and indispensible. My life would not be complete without either. That said, they both drive me nuts in their own special way, and are the fodder for most of my ranting. I'm sure if either of them had a blog, they would say the same.

August 6, 2008

Lets just get this out of the way...

I have started this blog for one reason only... to be like everyone else. That's right! I am a conforming sell-out, and I don't care. I have ideas and quirks and thousands of things I find funny or frustrating, and I feel the ever growing need to share my most intimate thoughts with the world. I feel this need because my husband tunes out my rants, and I HAVE TO RANT really, really badly. So if you want anyone to blame for this, its him. (Sorry honey)

So I will pour unto the world an endless string of nonsense until I die, or get bored to tears sitting at my computer all day typing my nonsense instead of looking for a job.