December 18, 2008

You Want It, You Got It.

We got our Christmas tree a couple of weeks ago. The day before was 60 degrees out, and the day after was 60 degrees. We went on the only day it was below 20 degrees out. Go figure.

Some may recognize this red snow suit.

This was the best picture I could take of him while we were there

Hubby cutting down the tree

Watching the game with his pig-skin.

December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas To Screwed AT&T Workers And The Like

This post is for all those who just got completed screwed by AT&T with their latest cut backs, or "surplus" to be PC. I say merry Christmas because they decided to do it this month, the month of caring and giving and loving. Those of you out there that got this bum deal, Merry Christmas! You need it more than anyone.

But let me not forget about all those who got screwed by other companies. You too get a big MERRY CHRISTMAS!

And let us give thanks for this merry Christmas to the man himself. Yes, I mean Mr. Soon-To-Be-Ex President Bush. Thank you for ruining our economy single handily. I mean, it only took 8 years, right? That's got to be a record or something.

So to those of my family and friends that read this blog, and get nothing from us this Christmas, I apologize. We hope that next year will bring pleasant new beginnings, so we can spoil those we care most about that we cannot spoil this year.

November 26, 2008

Step #2

Hello all,

The baby... has teeth. Two little spots in the front on his lower jaw. "Like little pieces of rice", as one friend put it. I'm not ready. Not in the sense that I have no food for him, because boy do I, but in the sense that he's suppose to be my gummy-smile boy for at least another 2 months.

Cliche time:

They grow up to fast.

November 25, 2008

The Post-Game Highlights

So I went out a few weeks ago, and yes I had a great time. I ended up going home after 11:30pm and spent the next day enjoying my family and relaxing. The experience made me want to go out even more, so I intend to. Maybe not right away, but I will. Lucky hubby never got the chance to wake up every couple hours (I got home too soon), but next time...oh time.

November 13, 2008


So my hubby is the best...EVER! He will be watching the baby tomorrow night, so mommy can feel like a woman again. I'm getting my hair done tonight, waxing, and toes and fingers will be painted. I will wear makeup and high heels. I will play music in my car, loudly, for a few minutes that is inappropriate for my son. I will have a few drinks, but not enough to intoxicate because I will be driving the birthday girl. It WILL be awesome.

Therefore, I will feel guilty the next day for leaving my son and having a good time.

Bad Mommy.

November 2, 2008

How do I get anything done?

I have to say that, in spite of being able to work from home and watch my adorable little boy, I still get next to nothing done during the day. Dom wants my full attention all day, but that's his job and he is very good at it. Plus I like to humor him. Then I'm trying to do work while he sleeps, which is only for a half hour at a time. So I either have one hand on the keyboard while I hold my son in the other, or I'm playing with him. No food, no bathroom breaks, no TV (OK alittle TV, but not much).

My hubby comes home from work early in the afternoon, and his crankiness is apparent every day. I take the opportunity to give him the baby, after he goes the bathroom, takes a shower, and plops on the couch. I then proceed to make dinner. We eat, I feed the baby, and then put him to bed. It is now 8pm, hubby is in bed by 9pm, 10 if something good is on TV. I sometimes like to stay up for an hour or two more because, lets face it, I don't get much time to myself during the day. Hubby says "Don't complain to me if your tired the next day." WHAT!!!!! I've been tired for 5 months! I haven't had a full nights sleep (over 4 hrs) in FIVE MONTHS! It doesn't matter if I go to bed or not, I'm still getting up every 2 and a half to 3 hours, while he sleeps though everything. Hubby says "I have to go to work". What the hell have I been doing? Having a party? Don't get me wrong, I love my son and being able to stay home with him has been a blessing, but COME ON!! To anyone who has ever had to do both, you know what I mean.

All I want is one, ONE night to do some work, maybe some laundry, organize the computer room, relax and sleep for whole 6 hours without having to tell him when to feed him, how its done, and not to put him in a sleeper until after he eats.

November 1, 2008

Red Hot

I wasn't dressed up as anything, just a wig.

October 29, 2008

Its been too long

Here are some pictures of my little guy. More will come, I promise.

August 28, 2008

This is gonna hurt me more that it hurts you...well maybe not.

Today my little munchkin got his 2 month checkup. He is in the 75th percentile in height, weight and head circumference and he was happy and smiling the whole time. That is until he had to get his shots. I gently held his arms on the exam table while the nurse prepared to give him two shots in one leg and one in the other. You would have thought I was getting the vaccines, I started to tear up every time he cried after each shot. His hurt was quickly subdued though when I fed him before we went home. Now, his mode has improved almost back to normal, but I'm still feeling a little soar.

August 27, 2008

Here are more pictures

This is my sister KTP and Dominick

This is one of my favorite pictures. He thinks he's falling.

My Jolly Man

August 16, 2008

The Players

Introducing the two most important people in my life: my husband and my son. Both are cute and indispensible. My life would not be complete without either. That said, they both drive me nuts in their own special way, and are the fodder for most of my ranting. I'm sure if either of them had a blog, they would say the same.

August 6, 2008

Lets just get this out of the way...

I have started this blog for one reason only... to be like everyone else. That's right! I am a conforming sell-out, and I don't care. I have ideas and quirks and thousands of things I find funny or frustrating, and I feel the ever growing need to share my most intimate thoughts with the world. I feel this need because my husband tunes out my rants, and I HAVE TO RANT really, really badly. So if you want anyone to blame for this, its him. (Sorry honey)

So I will pour unto the world an endless string of nonsense until I die, or get bored to tears sitting at my computer all day typing my nonsense instead of looking for a job.